The Historic Jackson Ward Association Upcoming Meetings.



Our next schedule meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 18th at Unos, located at 700 N. 4th Street from 6 pm – 7:30 pm.

Scheduled community meetings for this year will be held in January, March, May, July, September, and November.  All meetings start at 6pm.   Additional meetings may be scheduled if necessary.

Please be reminded that it is time to renew your membership.  Dues are paid annually for the calendar year January 1- December 31.   See link for additional details.


The HJWA Website, Email, Facebook and Next Door will continue to be our primary means of communicating with you.  Also you can contact us at



HJWA Membership

Now is a great time to become a member of  The Historic Jackson Ward Association!

Show your commitment to our beautiful neighborhood and voice your opinion on important issues that come before the Association. If you join now, your membership is good for the remainder of 2022 until December of 2023! Membership runs from January to December, but you can join now and get an extra three months. Membership is only $15 for individuals or $25 for businesses, and there are several ways to easily pay your dues.


Go to our website membership page at and use either Pay Pal or Cash App.

~There is a $1 convenience fee to use Pay Pal.

~If you use Cash App, please remember to send an email to including your name, email address, and physical address.

~Write a check and mail it to P.O. Box 26137, Richmond, VA 23260. If you mail a check, please include a note with your name, email address, physical address, and phone number.

So easy to join and make a positive difference in our neighborhood! Why not do it today?


*Note: For those of you who are already members for 2022 now might be the perfect time to renew your membership for 2023 with payment options that make renewing easier than ever!

Now is a great time to become a member of  The Historic Jackson Ward Association!

Show your commitment to our beautiful neighborhood and voice your opinion on important issues that come before the Association. If you join now, your membership is good for the remainder of 2022 until December of 2023! Membership runs from January to December, but you can join now and get an extra three months. Membership is only $15 for individuals or $25 for businesses, and there are several ways to easily pay your dues.


Go to our website membership page at and use either Pay Pal or Cash App.

~There is a $1 convenience fee to use Pay Pal.

~If you use Cash App, please remember to send an email to including your name, email address, and physical address.

~Write a check and mail it to P.O. Box 26137, Richmond, VA 23260. If you mail a check, please include a note with your name, email address, physical address, and phone number.

So easy to join and make a positive difference in our neighborhood! Why not do it today?


*Note: For those of you who are already members for 2022 now might be the perfect time to renew your membership for 2023 with payment options that make renewing easier than ever!


Historic Jackson Ward Parking District Details

Please click on the following link to see details about the Jackson Ward Parking District:


Our New Historic Jackson Website Is Live!

If you are on this page, you’ve probably noticed that the Historic Jackson Ward Association has a brand new website that you can view not only on your computer screen, but just as clearly on your tablet or phone whether you use a PC, Mac or Android. In June of 2018, HJWA hired a brilliant, young web designer, Matthew Jones of Peace of Mind Designs, to assist us in the process of converting our website to a more modern, more easily accessible site. For the next eight months, the HJWA Website Committee comprised of Janis Allen, Donna Alleyne, and Vicki Mollenauer worked together diligently with Matt to ensure that the excellent content of our original site was not lost in the migration to the new one. Don’t worry; the new site still contains all of the pictures we’ve posted over the years, the newsletters published, links to important HJWA documents, links to restaurants in our neighborhood, HJWA meeting dates/times, FAQ’s, a simple way to pay membership dues online, and our contact information. But it also has some amazing new features such as a new logo, an incredible video of Historic Jackson Ward, a calendar of events, our FB newsfeed, a subscribe button to make it easy to sign up for HJWA emails, a stronger search feature to make it easy to find what you’re looking for and much more. So, take a look around and let us know what you think!


About The Historic Jackson Ward Association

Welcome to the Historic Jackson Ward Association! This community consists of a diverse set of individuals; students, artists, musicians, faculty and professionals from all walks of life who, furthermore, recognize and appreciate the experiences that an urban environment can provide, as well as the unique talents that diversity brings. The Association is committed to developing an awareness of our history, to preserving a significant Richmond neighborhood, and to integrating our history into the modern day experience. We would love to hear from you and have your participation. Please browse the pages of this site and take a tour back in time. Learn more about the people, the businesses, and the community that we call Historic Jackson Ward. Contact us with any feedback or questions that you may have.

An Urban Experience

Nestled downtown in one of American’s oldest and most historic cities, The Historic Jackson Ward offers a truly unique urban experience. Step out the doors of an early 1800’s home and onto paver sidewalks that bleed into a modern world. Shadowed by high-rises, yet illuminated by urban lights, ours is a world of the senses. Listen to the raw sounds that echo down our alleys as bands prepare for their next big gig or listen as the birds chirp amongst the well-established trees that line our city blocks. Peer into one of the many art galleries along the Broad Street Corridor or relax at one of the restaurants or coffee houses.


About the Association

The Historic Jackson Ward Association represents the residents located in the boundaries outlined in the HJWA Bylaws (approved on 2/21/06).”The boundaries of the neighborhood represented by the Association shall be from the CSX tracks north of I-95 to the north, the north side of Broad Street to the south, 3rd Street to the east, and Belvidere Street to the west, within the boundaries of the City of Richmond, Virginia.” The Association was started in the 1980’s and has been very active building relationships with local law enforcement, city officials, and VCU officials.


The Historic Jackson Ward Association monthly business meetings are held the third Tuesday of every other month at 6:00 PM at the UNOS building, which is located at the corner of 2nd Street and Clay Street. All are welcome! Membership dues are $15.00 for individuals and $25.00 for businesses, but you do not have to be a member to attend meetings. So, come join us and see what’s happening in Jackson Ward! If you have any questions, please email us at

Contact Us


Historic Jackson Ward Association
P.O. Box 26137
Richmond, Virginia 23260

HJWA Welcome Table at the 2021 Second Street Festival


HJWA Welcome Table at the 2021 Second Street Festival



Developing awareness
and perserving integration
to a modern day experience



Students, artists, musicians,
faculty and professionals from
all walks of life



Integrating our history into
an urban environment that
brings unique talent







“What success I achieved in the theater is due to the fact that I have always worked just as hard when there were ten people in the house as when there were thousands.” -Bill “Bojangles” Robinson


Vice President




Vice President

